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30 Golang programming examples for beginners


  • 30 Golang programming examples for beginners

    Golang which is also called Go programming language is an open-source programming language designed by Google in 2007. Version 1.0 of this language was released in 2012. It is a structured programming language like C and different types of applications such as networking services, cloud applications, web applications, etc. can be developed by Golang language. It contains many types of packages like Python. It is very easy to learn, which makes this language popular for new programmers. 30 Golang programming examples have been explained in this tutorial to learn Golang from the basics.


    Golang is supported by different types of operating systems. The way of installing Golang on Ubuntu has been shown in this part of the tutorial. Run the following commands to update the system and install the Golang on the system before practicing the examples in this tutorial.

    $ sudo apt update

    $ sudo apt install golang-go

    Run the following command to check the installed version of the Golang.

    $ go version

    Table of contents:
    1. Golang hello world
    2. Golang string variables
    3. Golang int to string
    4. Golang string to int
    5. Golang string concatenation
    6. Golang multiline string
    7. Golang split string
    8. Golang sprintf
    9. Golang enum
    10. Golang struct
    11. Golang array
    12. Golang set
    13. Golang for loop
    14. Golang for range
    15. Golang while loop
    16. Golang continue
    17. Golang switch case
    18. Golang random number
    19. Golang sleep
    20. Golang time
    21. Golang uuid
    22. Golang read file
    23. Golang read file line by line
    24. Golang write to file
    25. Golang check if file exists
    26. Golang csv
    27. Golang yaml
    28. Golang http request
    29. Golang command line arguments
    30. Golang error handling

    Golang hello world

    The main package of Golang contains all required packages for Golang programming and it is required to start the execution of the Golang script. The fmt package is required to import for printing the formatted string in the terminal. Create a Golang file with the following script. The string value, ‘Hello World.’ will be printed in the terminal after executing the script.

    //Import the fmt package to print the output

    import "fmt"

    //Define the main() function to start the execution

    func main() {

    //Print a simple message with the new line

    fmt.Println("Hello World.")


    Run the following command to execute the script. Here, the script has been saved in the example1, go file.

    $ go run example1.go

    Run the following command to build the binary file of the Golang file.

    $ go build example1.go

    Run the following command to run the executable file.

    $ ./example1

    The following output will appear after executing the above commands,,

    Go to top

    Golang string variables

    The string variables can be used without defining the data type and with the data type in Golang. Create a Golang file with the following script that will print simple string data and the string data with the string variables. The uses of Printf() and Println() functions have been shown in the script.

    package main

    //Import the fmt package to print the output

    import "fmt"

    //Define the main() function

    func main() {

    //Print a string value with a new line

    fmt.Printf("Learn Golang from\n")

    //Define the first string variable

    var str1 = "Golang Programming. "

    //Print the variable without a newline

    fmt.Printf("Learn %s", str1)

    //Define the second string variable

    var str2 = "easy to learn."

    //Print the variable with a newline

    fmt.Println("It is", str2)


    The following output will appear after executing the above script. The output of the two concatenated strings are printed here.

    Go to top

    Golang int to string

    The strconv.Itoa() and strconv.FormatInt() functions can be used to convert the integer to a string value in Golang. The strconv.Itoa() is used to convert the integer value into a string of numbers. The strconv.FormatInt() function is used to convert decimal-based integer values into the string. Create a Golang file with the following script that shows the way of converting the integer to a string in Golang by using the functions mentioned above. A number will be taken from the user and the corresponding string value of the number will be printed as the output.

    //Add the main package

    package main

    //Import the fmt and strconv packages

    import (




    //Define the main function

    func main() {

    //Declare an integer variable

    var n int

    //Print a message

    fmt.Printf("Enter a number: ")

    //Take input from the user


    //Convert integer to string using Itoa() function

    convert1 := strconv.Itoa(n)

    fmt.Printf("Converting integer to string using Itoa(): %s\n", convert1)

    //Convert integer to string using FormatInt() function

    convert2 := strconv.FormatInt(int64(n), 10)

    fmt.Printf("Converting integer to string using FormatInt(): %s\n", convert2)


    The following output will appear after executing the script. The number. 45 has been converted to the string. “45”.

    Go to top

    Golang string to int

    The strconv.Atoi() function is used to convert the string to an integer in Golang. It takes a string value that will be converted into an integer and returns two types of values. One value is the integer if the conversation is successful and another value is the error if the conversation is unsuccessful otherwise nil value will be returned. Create a Golang file with the following script that will convert a number of string values into an integer by using strconv.Atoi() function. The string value, “342” will be converted into 342 number and printed after the execution.

    //Add the main package

    package main

    //Import the fmt and strconv packages

    import (




    //Define the main function

    func main() {

    //Declare a string variable

    str := "342"

    //Convert string to integer using Atoi() function

    price, err := strconv.Atoi(str)

    //check for error

    if err == nil {

    //Print the converted value

    fmt.Printf("The price of the book is %d\n", price)


    //Print the error message




    The following output will appear after executing the script. The string value, “342” has been converted to 342 here.

    Go to top

    Golang string concatenation

    Create a Golang file with the following script that will concatenate the strings with the ‘+’ operator by using the Printf() function. The Println() function has been used here to print the concatenated string value by using the ‘+’ operator and Printf() function has been used here to print the concatenated string value by using the ‘%s’ specifier. Two string variables have been declared in the script which are concatenated later.

    //Add the main package

    package main

    //Import the fmt package to print the output

    import "fmt"

    //Define the main function

    func main() {

    //Declare two string variables

    var str1, str2 string

    //Assign string values

    str1 = " Golang"

    str2 = " Programming"

    //Concatenating string using '+' operator

    fmt.Println("Concatenated string value using '+' operator:", str1 + str2)

    //Concatenating string using '%s' specifier

    fmt.Printf("Concatenated string value using format specifier: %s%s\n", str1, str2)


    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang multi-line string

    Three different ways have been shown in the following example to print the multi-line text by using the Golang script. The ‘\n’ character has been used in the first string variable to generate the multi-line text. The backticks (`) have been used in the second string to print the multi-line text. The backticks (`) with specifiers have been used in the third string to print multi-line text.

    package main

    //Import the fmt package

    import "fmt"

    //Define the main function

    func main() {

    //Declare a multi-line string value with '\n' character

    str1 := "Golang programming\is very easy\nto learn.\n\n"


    //Declare a multi-line string value with backticks(`)

    str2 := `Learn






    //Declare two string values

    language := "Golang"

    developer := "Google"

    //Declare a string value with variables and backticks

    str3 := `%s





    fmt.Printf(str3, language, developer)

    //Add a new line



    The following output will appear after executing the script. The output of the three string variables that contain multi-line string values has been printed here.

    Go to top

    Golang split string

    The strings.Split() function has been used to split the string data based on the separator. The following script will take a string value from the user and split the string value based on the colon(. The total number of split values and the first two split values will be printed after the execution.

    package main

    //Import the fmt and strings packages

    import (




    //Define the main function

    func main() {

    //Declare a string variable

    var str string

    //Print a prompt message

    fmt.Printf("Enter a string with colon(- ")

    //Take input from the user


    //Define the separator

    separator := ":"

    //Split the string value

    split_value := strings.Split(str, separator)

    //Count the number of split values

    length := len(split_value)

    //Print the number of split values

    fmt.Printf("Total number of split values is %d\n", length)

    //Print the split values

    fmt.Println("The first split value is", split_value[0])

    fmt.Println("The second split value is", split_value[1])


    The following output will appear after executing the script. The input value, “golang:google” has been divided into two parts based on the colon(.

    Go to top

    Golang sprintf

    The Sprintf() function is used in Golang to store the formatted string values into a variable like other standard programming languages. A string and an integer variable have been declared in the following script. The values of these variables have been formatted and stored into a variable by using the Sprintf() function.

    package main

    //Import the fmt package

    import "fmt"

    //Define the main function

    func main() {

    //Declare two variables

    var str string

    var num int

    //Assign string value

    str = "Golang"

    //Assign number value

    num = 2012

    //Store the combined string value in a variable

    combined_str := fmt.Sprintf("The first version of %s is released in %d.", str, num)

    //Print the variable

    fmt.Printf("The output of the Sprintf(): \n%s\n", combined_str)


    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang enum

    The enum or enumerator has been used in Golang to declare a data type of a group of related constant values. The declaration of enum type in Golang is different from other programming languages. An enum type of 12 values has been declared and the numeric value of the particular enum value has been printed later.

    package main

    //Import the fmt package

    import "fmt"

    //Declare the type to store the month value in number (1-12)

    type Month int

    //Declare constants for each month's value starting from 1

    const (

    Jan Month = iota + 1













    //Declare main function

    func main() {

    //Declare variable with a month value

    var M_num = May

    //Print the corresponding number value of the month

    fmt.Println("The month value in number is ", M_num)


    The following output will appear after executing the script. The corresponding numeric value of the May is 5.

    Go to top

    Golang struct

    The struct or structure is used in Golang to declare a type that contains different types of variables. It is useful for storing tabular data or multiple records. In the following script, a structure variable of four elements has been declared. Next, two records have been added by using the defined struct variable. The way of printing the values of the struct in different ways has been shown in the last part of the script.

    package main

    //Import fmt package

    import "fmt"

    //Define a structure of four elements

    type Product struct {

    id string

    name string

    size string

    price int


    func main() {

    //Declare the first structure variable

    product1 := Product {"p-1209", "HDD", "5TB", 80}

    //Declare the second structure variable

    product2 := Product {"p-7342", "Mouse", "", 15}

    //Print the structure variables

    fmt.Println("First product: ", product1)

    fmt.Println("Second product: ", product2)

    //Print four values of the first structure variable separately

    fmt.Println("First product details:")

    fmt.Println("ID: ",

    fmt.Println("Name: ",

    fmt.Println("Size: ",product1.size)

    fmt.Println("Price: ",product1.price)


    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang array

    The array variable is used in Golang to store multiple values of the particular data type like other standard programming languages. The way of declaring and accessing an array of string values and an array of numeric values has been shown in the script.

    package main

    //Import fmt package

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    //Declare an array of string values

    str_arr := [4] string {"", "", "", ""}

    //Print the array of string

    fmt.Println("String Array values are: ", str_arr)

    //Print the 3rd element of the array

    fmt.Println("The 3rd value of array is", str_arr[2])

    //Declare an array of numeric values

    int_arr := [6]int{65, 34, 12, 81, 52, 70}

    //Print the array of integer

    fmt.Println("Integer Array values are: ", int_arr)

    //Print the 4th element of the array

    fmt.Println("The 4th value of array is", int_arr[3])


    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang set

    The set is another data structure of Golang to store a collection of distinct values. It is used to store unique values in an object. Golang has no built-in set data structure like other programming languages. But this feature can be implemented by using empty struct{} and map. In the following script, a set variable of strings has been declared by using a map with the empty struct. Next, three values have been added, one value has been deleted, and one value has been added again in the set. The values of the set have been printed together and separately.

    package main

    //Import fmt package

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    //Define a set of strings

    lang := map[string]struct{}{}

    //Insert three elements into the set using an empty struct

    lang["Go"] = struct{}{}

    lang["Bash"] = struct{}{}

    lang["Python"] = struct{}{}

    //Print the current existing elements of the set


    //Remove an element from the set

    delete(lang, "Python")

    //Add a new element to the set

    lang["Java"] = struct{}{}

    //Print the set values after removing and adding an element


    fmt.Printf("\nSet values are:\n")

    //Print each element of the set separately

    for l := range lang {




    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang for loop

    The for loop can be used in different ways and for different purposes in Golang. The use of three expressions for loop has been shown in the following script. The loop will be iterated 5 times to take 5 input values and the sum of these input values will be printed later.

    package main

    //Import fmt package

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    //Declare an integer variable

    var number int

    //Declare a variable to store the sum value

    var sum = 0

    //Define a for loop

    for n := 1; n <= 5; n++ {

    //Print a prompt message

    fmt.Printf("Enter a number:")

    //Take input from the user


    //Add the input number with the sum variable

    sum = sum + number


    //Print the summation result

    fmt.Printf("The sum of five input values is %d\n", sum)


    The following output will appear after executing the script. The sum of 6, 3, 4, 7, and 9 is 29.

    Go to top

    Golang for range

    The range is used with the for loop in the Golang to access string, array, and map. The way of accessing an array of strings by using a for loop with range has been shown in the following script. The first for loop will print the array values only and the second for loop will print the indexes and values of the array.

    package main

    //Import fmt package

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    //Declare an array of string

    flowers := [4] string {"Rose", "Lily", "Dalia", "Sun Flower"}

    fmt.Println("Array values are:")

    //Print the array values

    for _, val := range flowers {



    fmt.Println("Array indexes and values are:")

    //Print the array values based on index

    for in, val := range flowers {

    fmt.Printf("%d := %s\n", in + 1, val)



    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang while loop

    Golang has no while loop like other programming languages. However, the feature of the while loop can be implemented in Golang by using the for loop. The way of implementing a while loop by using a for loop has been shown in the following script. The for loop will be iterated for 4 times and take four numbers. The sum of these numbers with the fractional value will be printed later.

    package main

    //Import fmt package

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    counter := 1

    sum := 0.0

    var number float64

    for counter <= 4 {

    //Print a prompt message

    fmt.Printf("Enter a number: ")

    //Take input from the user


    //Add the input number with the sum variable

    sum = sum + number

    //Increment the counter by 1



    //Print the summation result

    fmt.Printf("The sum of four input values is %0.2f\n", sum)


    The following output will appear after executing the script. The sum of 6.8, 3.2, 8.5, and 4.9 is 23.40.

    Go to top

    Golang continue

    The continue statement is used in any loop to omit the particular statements based on a condition. In the following script, the for loop has been used to iterate the loop that will omit the values of the 2nd and the fourth values of the array by using the continue statement.

    package main

    //Import fmt package

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    counter := 1

    sum := 0.0

    var number float64

    for counter <= 4 {

    //Print a prompt message

    fmt.Printf("Enter a number: ")

    //Take input from the user


    //Add the input number with the sum variable

    sum = sum + number

    //Increment the counter by 1



    //Print the summation result

    fmt.Printf("The sum of four input values is %0.2f\n", sum)


    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang switch case

    The switch-case statement in Golang is similar to the other programming languages but no break statement is required with each case statement in Golang. The way of defining multiple case values inside the switch block has been shown in the following example.

    package main

    //Import fmt package

    import "fmt"

    func main() {

    var n int

    //Print a prompt message

    fmt.Printf("Enter the month value in number: ")

    //Take input from the user


    //Print message based on the matching case value

    switch n {

    case 1, 2, 3, 4:

    fmt.Println("Winter semester.")

    case 5, 6, 7, 8:

    fmt.Println("Summer semester.")

    case 9, 10, 11, 12:

    fmt.Println("Fall Semester.")


    fmt.Println("Month value is out of range.")



    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang random number

    The math/rand package has been used in Golang to generate random numbers. The way of generating four types of random numbers has been shown in the following script. The rand.Int() function is used to generate a long integer random number. The rand.Intn(n) function is used to generate an integer random number of the particular range and the highest value will be passed as the argument value of the function. The 999 is set as the argument value in the script. The rand.Float32() function is used to generate a short fractional random number and the rand.Float64() function is used to generate a long fractional random number.

    //Add main package

    package main

    //Import required modules

    import (





    func main() {

    //Set seed to generate a random number


    //Print generated random integer

    fmt.Println("Random integer value: ", rand.Int())

    //Print the random integer within 999

    fmt.Println("Random integer value with range: ", rand.Intn(999))

    //Print the random 32 bits float

    fmt.Println("Random 32 bits float value: ", rand.Float32())

    //Print the random 64 bits float

    fmt.Println("Random 64 bits float value: ", rand.Float64())


    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang sleep

    The time.Sleep() function is used in Golang to pause the execution of the script for a certain period. The following script will calculate the average of three numbers and wait for 3 seconds before terminating the script.

    //Add main package

    package main

    //Import required packages

    import (




    func main() {

    fmt.Println("Start executing the script...")

    //Define three variables

    a := 40

    b := 30

    c := 29

    //Print the variables

    fmt.Printf("Three numbers are : %d, %d, %d\n", a, b, c)

    fmt.Println("Calculating the average of three numbers...")

    avg := (a + b + c)/3

    //Delay for 3 seconds

    time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

    //Print the results

    fmt.Printf("The average value is %d\n", avg)

    fmt.Println("Program terminated.")


    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang time

    The time package is used in Golang to read the current date and time. This package has many methods and properties to read the date and time in different ways. The date and time, ‘Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006’ is used as the reference value in Golang to access the date and time. The uses of the time package have been shown in the following example.

    package main

    //Import required packages

    import (




    func main() {

    //Read the current date and time

    today := time.Now()

    //Print the current date

    fmt.Printf("Today is %s.\n", today.Format("02-Jan-2006"))

    //Print the current date and time

    fmt.Printf("The current date and time is %s\n.", today.Format(time.RFC1123))


    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang uuid

    The UUID or Universally Unique Identifier can be generated by Golang script. It is a 128-bit unique value to identify the computer system. You have to download the uuid from the before executing the following script.

    Go to the home directory and run the following commands to download the required package to generate the uuid by Golang script.

    $ go mod init uuid

    $ go get

    In the following script, the first uuid is generated by using the uuid.New() function that returns a unique identifier. The second uuid is generated by the uuid.NewUUID() function that returns two values. The value contains the unique identifier and the second value contains the error message if it exists.

    package main

    //Import required packages

    import (




    func main() {

    //Generate a unique ID using New() function

    newID := uuid.New()

    fmt.Printf("Generated first UUID is %s.\n", newID)

    //Generate a unique ID using NewUUID() function

    newID, err := uuid.NewUUID()

    //Check for error

    if err == nil {

    fmt.Printf("Generated second UUID is %s.\n", newID)





    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang read file

    The io/ioutil package of Golang is used to read the content of a file. The ReadFile() function of this package reads the whole content of a file. This function returns the full content of the file into a variable if the file exists otherwise an error message will be returned. The way of reading the full content of an existing text file has been shown in the following script.

    //Add main package

    package main

    //Import required packages

    import (





    func main() {

    //Read a text file

    text, err := ioutil.ReadFile("Languages.txt")

    //Check for error

    if err == nil {

    fmt.Printf("Content of the file:\n\n")



    log.Fatalf("File read error: %v", err)



    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang read file line by line

    The “bufio” package of Golang is used to read the content of a file line by line. In the following script, the bufio.NewScanner() has been used to create an object to read the file. Next, the Scan() function has been used with the loop to read and print each line of the file.

    //Add main package

    package main

    //Import required packages

    import (





    func main() {

    //Open a text file for reading

    fh, err := os.Open("Languages.txt")

    //Check for error

    if err == nil {

    //Scan the file content

    read := bufio.NewScanner(fh)

    //Read the file line by line

    for read.Scan() {






    //Close the file

    defer fh.Close()


    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang write to file

    The os package of the Golang is used to open a file for writing and the WriteString() function is used to write content into a file. The way of creating and writing a text file of three lines is by using the os package.

    package main

    //Import required packages

    import (




    func main() {

    //Open a file for writing

    fh, err1 := os.Create("items.txt")

    //Check for file creation error

    if err1 == nil {

    //Write into the file

    _, err2 := fh.WriteString("Pen\nPencil\nRuler\n")

    //Check for file writing error

    if err2 != nil {

    fmt.Println("File write error occurred.\n")



    fmt.Println("File creation error occurred.\n")


    //Close the file

    defer fh.Close()


    The following output will appear after executing the script. The output shows that the items.txt file has been created successfully.

    Go to top

    Golang checks if file exists

    The os package of the Golang can be used to check the existence of the file. In the following script, the file path will be taken from the script. If the path does not exist then the os.State() function will return an os.ErrNotExist error.

    package main

    //Import required module

    import (





    func main() {

    var filepath string

    fmt.Printf("Enter an existing filename: ")

    //Take the file path from the user


    //Check the file path

    _, error := os.Stat(filepath)

    //Check the output of the os.Stat

    if !errors.Is(error, os.ErrNotExist) {

    fmt.Println("File is found.")

    } else {

    fmt.Println("File is not found.")



    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang csv

    The “encoding/csv” package is used in Golang to read the content of the CSV file. The csv.NewReader() function is used to read the CSV file. Create a CSV file before executing the script of this example. Here, the customers.csv file has been used to show the way of reading the CSV file.

    package main

    //Import required packages

    import (





    func main() {

    //Open a CSV file for reading

    fh, err := os.Open("customers.csv")

    //Check for the error

    if err != nil {



    //Create an object to read the CSV file

    scanner := csv.NewReader(fh)

    //Read all records of the CSV file

    records, _ := scanner.ReadAll()

    //Read the CSV file line by line

    for _, r := range records {

    for _, c := range r {

    fmt.Printf("%s,", c)





    //Close the file

    defer fh.Close()


    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang yaml

    The yaml.Marshal() function is used in Golang to read the content of the yaml data. You have to download the yaml package to use the yaml.Marshal(). Go to the home directory and run the following command to download the yaml package.

    $ go get <a href="">>

    In the following script, a structure variable of four elements has been declared that has been used later to define a yaml object with data. Next, the yaml.Marshal() function has been used to access the yaml data.

    package main

    //Import required packages

    import (




    //Declare a structure of 4 elements

    type Book struct {

    Title string

    Author string

    Publication string

    Price string


    func main() {

    //Create an object of the structure

    book1 := Book{

    Title: "Learning Go",

    Author: "John Bodner",

    Publication: "O'Relly",

    Price: "$39",


    //Read the yaml data based on the struct

    y_data, err := yaml.Marshal(&book1)

    //Checkk for the error

    if err == nil {

    //Print the yaml data



    fmt.Printf("Error while Marshaling. %v", err)



    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang http request

    The net/http package of the Golang is used to send the http requests to a website. The http.Get() function is used to send the request. It returns the response from the site or the error message. The way of sending the http request to the website, has been shown in the following script.

    package main

    //Import required packages

    import (




    func main() {

    //Send a GET request to a website

    res, err := http.Get("")

    //Check for error

    if err == nil {

    //Print the response sent by the website



    //Print the error message




    The following output will appear after executing the script.

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    Golang command line arguments

    The values that are passed at the time of the execution of the script are called command-line argument values. The os package is used to read the command line argument values in Golang. The argument values are stored in the Args[] array. The for loop with the range has been used in the script to print the argument values without the script name in each line.

    package main

    //Imports required packages

    import (




    func main() {

    fmt.Println("All argument values are:")

    //Print all argument values with the script name


    fmt.Println("Argument values:")

    //Print all argument values without a script name

    for in, _ := range os.Args {

    if in == 0 {






    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top

    Golang error handling

    Golang has no try-catch block like other programming languages. However, the errors package can be used in Golang to handle errors in the script. In the following script, an integer number will be taken from the user. If the user takes a negative number then an error message will be printed. The errors.New() function has been used here to generate the error message.

    package main

    //Import required packages

    import (




    func main() {

    var n int

    fmt.Printf("Enter a number: ")


    //Check the input value

    result, err := Positive(n)

    //Check for error

    if err != nil {


    } else {

    fmt.Printf("%d %s\n", n, result)



    ///Define function to check positive number

    func Positive(num int) (string, error) {

    if num < 0 {

    return "", errors.New("Type a positive number.")


    return "number is positive.", nil



    The following output will appear after executing the script.

    Go to top


    Golang is a popular programming language now that has many useful packages like the Python programming language. Any novice user can learn Golang as a first programming language because it is very easy to learn. The basic 30 Golang examples have been explained in this tutorial to learn Golang from the beginning and the learners will be able to write programs in Golang. One of the major limitations of this language is that it does not contain the features of object-oriented programming but it is good for learning structured programming.

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