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How to Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 24.04


  • How to Install Jenkins on Ubuntu 24.04

    Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration tool that automates technical tasks such as software testing, building, and deployment. It is a Java-based tool, and as a DevOP, knowing how to install and use Jenkins will save you time and resources.
    Jenkins supports numerous platforms, and this post focuses on installing it on Ubuntu 24.04. We will guide you through a step-by-step process to ensure you don’t get stuck. Let’s begin!

    Step-By-Step Installation of Jenkins on Ubuntu 24.04

    The Jenkins repository is not included in Ubuntu 24.04. As such, we must fetch it and add it to our system. Again, we’ve mentioned that Jenkins is a Java-based tool. Therefore, you must have Java installed, and in this case, we will work with OpenJDK 11. Once you have the two prerequisites in place, installing Jenkins will be an easy task.

    Proceed with the below steps.

    Step 1: Install Java

    We must have a Java Runtime Environment before we can install and use Jenkins. However, not all Java versions are supported. To be safe, consider installing OpenJDK 8 or 11.

    Verify that you have installed the correct Java version.

    $ java -version

    If not installed, use the following command to install OpenJDK 11.

    $ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk

    Step 2: Fetch and Add the Jenkins Repository

    Jenkins is available as a stable or weekly version. This step requires us to download the Jenkins GPG key and then its software repository. After verification, we can then add the repository to our source list.

    First, let’s execute the following command to import the Jenkins GPG key.

    $ sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc

    The next task is adding the Jenkins repository by executing the following command.

    $ echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] binary/ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null

    Step 3: Install Jenkins

    After adding the stable Jenkins release to our source list, we can proceed with installing it, but first, let’s update the Ubuntu 24.04 repository to refresh the source list.

    $ sudo apt update

    Next, install Jenkins and ensure the installation completes without interruptions.

    $ sudo apt install jenkins -y

    Once installed, check the version to confirm that we managed to install it successfully.

    $ jenkins --version

    Step 4: Configure the Firewall

    We must modify our Firewall to create a rule allowing Jenkins to communicate via port 8080. First, start the Jenkins service.

    $ sudo systemctl start jenkins

    $ sudo systemctl status jenkins

    Next, add a new UFW rule and check that your firewall is active. If the firewall is inactive, enable it.

    $ sudo ufw allow 8080

    $ sudo ufw status

    Step 5: Configure Jenkins

    We will access Jenkins via a browser to set it up. On your browser tab, access the below URL. Be sure to add the correct IP or domain name of your server and port number 8080.


    You will get a window displaying the “Getting Started” information. On the page, find the path to the file containing the administrator password.


    Go back to your terminal and open the file using a text editor or a command such as “cat.”

    $ sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

    The administrator password will be displayed on your terminal. Copy the generated password and paste it into your browser in the “Administrator password” input box.

    At the bottom of the window, click on the Continue button.

    A new window will open. Click on the selected option to “Install suggested plugins.”

    Jenkins will initiate the setup.

    Once the process is complete, you will be prompted to create your administrator credentials.

    Type the admin username and password, then click the “Save and Continue” button.

    On the next window, note the Jenkins URL and click the “Save and Finish” button

    That’s it. Jenkins is now installed and configured on your Ubuntu 24.04. Click on the Start using Jenkins button to enjoy using Jenkins.

    You will get a window similar to the one below.


    Jenkins has numerous applications, especially for developers. If you use Ubuntu Noble Numbat, this post has shared a step-by-step guide on how to install Jenkins. Hopefully, this post will be insightful to you, and you will be able to install Jenkins.

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